Jennyscribbles's Blog

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Archive for the tag “Natural resource”

The Footprint of the Bottle of Water you had to Have for Your Convenience.

I’m on a roll this week with my blog. It’s helping me procrastinate this awful assignment due tomorrow night in my technical writing class, eek!

I recently read an article by Monica Ellis, the CEO of Global Water Challenge (GWC). The link is below.

Now, this isn’t the first I have heard of this problem. I have also read, Maude Barlow‘s Blue Covenant: The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water. The world is treating our last few drinkable water resources as if they are commodities to capitalize. Major corporations are sucking away water from natural resources faster than it can be replenished for the simple fact that they have the money to buy it up and then resell it. So let’s put this in simpler terms so that people who are unaware of this can understand what this will mean to them in the future if it is not effecting them already.

Yes, water is reusable, but the resources around us, like the great lakes or springs in our Oregon mountains are literally being sucked out faster than rain can put it back. Plus we are also using most of our rain water to sustain people, not these resources. They are shrinking. The signs are just being swept under the rug. Wild fires in Cali, an extended drought in Texas, I believe t this day. Arizona is importing all their water for pete sakes! I know I’m preaching now, but people don’t just know this automatically and the information isn’t being pushed like it should be in the media. So I thought I’d promote awareness. I hope this opens even just a few eyes. That would make me happy. 🙂

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